B1 – Enhancing Peatland Conservation Advancements in Carbon Measurement through GWL


A. Background

The Long-Term Strategy for Low Carbon and Climate Resilience (LTSLCCR) 2050 document explains that Indonesia will increase its ambition to reduce GHG emissions with peak national net GHG emissions in all sectors achieved in 2030, namely 1,244 million tons of CO2-eq or the equivalent of 4.23 tons of CO2-eq per capita. Thus, it is projected that   by 2050 the value of net emissions will continue to decline to 540 million tons of CO2-eq net emissions level (or equivalent of 1.6-ton CO2-eq per capita). Indonesia also committed to continuously exploring opportunities to accelerate in achieving Net Zero Emissions (NZE) target by 2060 or sooner (Ministry of Environment and Forestry, 2022).


Based on the 2006 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Guidelines, the main sources of GHG emission from Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use (AFOLU) sector consists of           CO2, CH4, and N2O. These GHG emissions come from aboveground biomass emissions, peat decomposition and peat fires. The average GHG emissions from the forestry sector and other uses during 2000- 2018 estimated 439,799 Gg CO2e/year. During that period, there have been peat fires with quite a long intensity and covering a wide area, this is certainly not without cause. In 2017, peat fire emissions were 12,512 CO2e/year, and increased in 2018 to 121,322 CO2e/year (KLHK, 2020).


Nationally, the contribution to the emission reduction target in 2030 based on Indonesia’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) is 834 million tons of CO2e in the conditional target (CM1), and 1,081 million tons of CO2e in the conditional target (CM2) (Ministry of the Environment and Forestry, 2017). To achieve this target, one of the mitigation actions carried out by MoEF is sustainable management peatland ecosystem by Ground Water Level Monitoring (TMAT) and calculating GHG emissions in peatlands.


Until now, the methodology that has been used to calculate AFOLU GHG emissions, especially for land and forest fire, also decomposition in peatland ecosystems has been calculated refer to the methodology Tier 1 and Tier 2 in the 2013 and 2016 IPCC Guidelines. However, the calculation of GHG emissions or sequestration still refers to a basic equation approach using area variables and default emission factors which are converted into tons of CO2e/year. Therefore, it is possible to further developed the GHG emissions calculation to Tier 3 using more detailed equations through modelling and sampling approach based on local emission factors varied with specified conditions resulting in a higher level of accuracy of GHG emission calculation.


To develop a study of calculation methodology for GHG emissions and absorption, the MoEF requires an integrated information system from the private sector which is also committed to the protection and sustainable management of peat ecosystems. Hopefully, the results of the CO2 flux tower measurements from CO2, N2O, NH4 and TMAT/GWL variable provided by the private sector could be used to generate value of correlation changes in carbon emissions based on TMAT/GWL changes in peatlands.

B. Objective and Output

1.Knowledge Sharing on methodology for measuring carbon emissions on changes in GWL in peatlands   from related stakeholder 

2.Gaining support in the establishment of a GWL-based method for CO2 assessment.

C. Target and Audiences

FAO, UNEP, Government, private sector from forestry industry, International Expert on Peatland and GHG Emission

D. Talk show Procedures:

This talk show session consists of presentation from keynote speakers and followed by discussions 

Live Stream


Keynote Speaker

Nety Widayati

Secretary Directorate General for Environmental Pollution and Degradation Control, Ministry of Environment, Republic of Indonesia


Mohammad Noor Andi Kusumah

Director of Peat Ecosystem Damage Control, Ministry of Environment, Republic of Indonesia

Tsuyoshi Kato

Deputy Divisional Manager Forest Carbon Sink Business Department Environment and Resources Division, Sumitomo Forestry

Serena Lew Siew Yan

Manager of Peatland Program, Global Environment Center

Maria Nuutinen

Forestry Officer, FAO

matt warren

Forestry Officer, FAO


Muhammad Zahrul Muttaqin

Forestry Attache at Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo
