B9 – Orchestration of Preservation-Based Production Forest Management


A. Background

After the issuance of Law No. 6 of 2023 concerning Job Creation and its implementing regulations, forest utilization activities in Protected Forests and Production Forests are carried out through Forest Utilization Business Permits (Perizinan Berusaha Pemanfaatan Hutan – PBPH) through multi-forestry businesses as a form of landscape-based forest management. Forest utilization through forestry multi-businesses is a breakthrough and paradigm-shifting of forest utilization in Indonesia, which changes the implementation of forest utilization from primarily forest utilization for timber forest products, to forest utilization for optimizing forest areas by integrating area utilization, environmental services, timber forest products, and non-timber forest products.

PBPH holders recognize the development of forestry multi-businesses as:

  1. Conflict resolution efforts;
  1. Supporting Government Programs in Food Security;
  2. Added value of forest areas;
  3. Optimizing the use of NTFP, environmental services, agroforestry, and ecotourism;
  4. Controlling natural and plantation forests as well as optimal management of production forests.

Based on Law Number 32 of 2024 Regarding Conservation of Natural Biodiversity Resources and Ecosystems, Preservation Areas are areas outside of nature reserve areas, nature conservation areas, and conservation areas in waters, coastal areas, and small islands whose ecological conditions are maintained to support the life support function or the survival of natural biological resources and their ecosystems. Preservation areas cover Protected Forest areas, Production Forest areas, and Other Land Use areas (APL).

Every PBPH holder in the Preservation Area is obliged to maintain the continuity of the protection function of the area by carrying out conservation activities for biodiversity resources and must make adjustments to the management of business licensing areas including providing its funding.

The Government of Indonesia has the ambition to achieve the target of FOLU Net Sink 2030. Landscape-based forest management through multi-forestry businesses can optimize forest areas, utilize unproductive forest areas to protect natural forests from deforestation, increase forest product productivity, and diversify forest products by integrating area utilization, environmental services, timber forest products, and non-timber forest products. 

PBPH is a form of forest area that is professionally managed for the production of wood and other forest products. As an important part of the global ecosystem, PBPH has a strategic role in maintaining ecological balance, providing natural resources, and providing social and economic benefits for local and national communities. In its management efforts, PBPH can also have a significant impact on the environment and surrounding communities, both positively and negatively. Management of High Biodiversity Resources in the Preservation Area is crucial to ensure that forest management practices in PBPH meet sustainable forest management principles. It is also one of the efforts in achieving the FOLU Net Sink  2030 target.

In the Indonesian Pavilion COP 29 UNFCCC in Baku, Azerbaijan, the Directorate General of Sustainable Forest Management, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry will hold a session on Orchestration of Preservation-Based Production Forest Management.

B. Objective

This event aims to:

  1. Share Indonesia’s initiative and strategy in optimizing forest land productivity in preserved areas of Production Forest.
  2. Encourage dialogue and exchange of ideas among global stakeholders regarding future strategies of optimizing forest land productivity in preserved areas of Production Forest.
  3. Create a network for future development of Forestry Landscape Management.

C. Target and Audiences

  1. Country Delegation for COP 29
  2. International Community 
  3. International Research Institution 
  4. Indonesian Ministries representatives
  5. Non-State Actor Organizations
  6. Academics
  7. Public
  8. Media

D. Event Mechanism

The event will be held for 1 hour and 20 minutes (80 minutes). Each speaker will have a maximum of 15 minutes to deliver the presentation, including a maximum duration of 3 minutes of video as an augment to their presentation.

E. Key Questions

  1. What are the main objectives of the global agenda on forestry landscape management strategy and future direction to optimize preserved area utilization in production forests?
  2. What are the success stories, opportunities, and challenges for international partnership on forestry landscape management strategy to optimize preserved area utilization in production forests?
  3. How can the constraints be addressed by future directions for international partnerships on forestry landscape management strategies to optimize preserved area utilization in production forests?

Live Stream



Ristianto Pribadi

Director of Forest Products Processing and Marketing, Ministry of Forestry, Republic of Indonesia

Satyawan Pudyatmoko

Director General of Natural Resources and Ecosystem Conservation, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Republic of Indonesia

Dian Novarina

Deputy Director Stakeholder Engagement, Sustainability, APRIL Group

Jennifer Conje

Director of the Division of Forest Management, The International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO)

Gabriel Labbate

Head of the Climate Mitigation Unit and Global Team Leader of the UN-REDD Programme, The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)


Muhammad Zahrul Muttaqien

Forestry Attache, Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Tokyo
