Indonesia, situated largely within the Coral Triangle, a global epicentre of marine biodiversity, faces a critical challenge: its coastal and marine ecosystems are under threat from degradation and the escalating impacts of climate change. Recognizing the vital role of oceans and coasts in livelihoods and the urgency of climate action, Indonesia is committed to integrating ocean-based adaptation and mitigation into its development strategies. The prominence of ocean issues in climate negotiations has grown significantly since the Paris Agreement. Indonesia played a key role in initiating discussions on ocean-based climate action at COP 25. With supported by several UNFCCC Parties, the discussion was leading to the inclusion of Ocean-Climate Change Dialogues in the UNFCCC Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) agenda. The Parties furthered its commitment at COP 26 and COP 27, supporting decisions on the Ocean-Climate Nexus and participating actively in dialogues.
Indonesia’s commitment to climate action is clearly expressed in its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC), Long-Term Strategy for Low Carbon and Climate Resilience 2050 (LTS-LCCR 2050), and Enhanced NDC. To encourage this commitment, the Indonesian Government has also issued Presidential Decree no. 98 of 2021 which regulates in more detail the implementation of the NDC and Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. 21/2022 provides the legal umbrella for the long-term vision of LTS-LCCR 2050 towards Net-Zero Emissions 2060 or sooner. Currently, Indonesia is in final preparation of Second NDC and is moving towards readiness for ocean issues in the elements of climate change mitigation.
The Second NDC has integrated ocean-related mitigation efforts and this action accordance with the expectations of decision 1/CMA 5 on outcome of the first global stock take (GST) which has been stated, among others, in Para 35: Invites Parties to preserve and restore oceans and coastal ecosystems and scale up, as appropriate, ocean- based mitigation action.
– Facilitate the sharing of national perspectives and experiences in enhancing NDC ambition and implementation plans for achieving net-zero emissions, with a specific focus on the ocean sector.
– Explore opportunities and challenges associated with identifying and implementing ocean-based mitigation actions, including the development of baselines, targets, and action plans.
The session will comprise presentations followed by a panel discussion
Director of Climate Change Mitigation, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Republic of Indonesia
Director General for Marine Spatial Management, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Republic of Indonesia
Silvestrum Climate Associates and a lead author of the IPCC 2013 Wetland Supplement
Director General of Climate Change, Ministry of Agriculture, Climate Change and Environment, Republic of Seychelles
Director of International Oceans Policy for Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Deputy Director of Coastal Mitigation and Climate Change Adaption, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Republic of Indonesia