H1 – Ministers and CEOs Session


A. Background

The Government of Indonesia (GoI) recognizes that climate change and its many threats to human life and livelihoods present unique challenges to achieving its environmental and development objectives and Indonesia has prepared a series of policies and instruments to tackle these issues. At the UNFCCC’s Conference of Parties meeting in Paris in 2015, the GoI pledged through its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to reduce Indonesia’s Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions by 41% by 2030 with international assistance (29% with its own resources) relative to a business-as-usual (BAU) scenario and as 2021 Indonesia set a new target Enhanced NDC which is reduce Indonesia’s GHG emission by 31% with its own resource and 43% with international assistance

Indonesian government also has conveyed a long-term vision to develop a climate-resilient low carbon development pattern in line with the Paris target called the Low Carbon Compatible with Paris Agreement target (LCCP) scenario. It is expected that net zero emissions will be achieved by 2060 or earlier.

Carbon pricing is one of instruments to implement and achieve NDC target. As stated in NDC document that Forestry is the biggest sector contributing to emission reduction. Further, there is an agriculture sector as well contributing to emission reduction.  The new administration/government should continue the NDC target. At this point, it is important the new administration/government presents a new strategy in continuing to achieve the NDC target.

B. Objective and Output

To engage support from stakeholders in order to scaling up the practices and broader financing and development co-operation strategy on blended finance

C. Target and Audiences

To engage support from stakeholders in order to scaling up the practices and broader financing and development co-operation strategy on blended finance

D. Event Mechanism

Policy Brief on Acceleration of FOLU Net Sink 2030 Implementation in the framework of carbon pricing policy

E. Key Pointers of Ministerial Talks (Eminent Person)

Ministry of Environment

  • Commitment of the GoI in representing a progression of NDC target 
  • The strategy of the GoI in implementing the commitment NDC target: present and future
  • Acceleration of carbon pricing implementation as a tools to achieve climate commitment

Ministry of Forestry

  • The strategy of Ministry of Forestry in achieving the FOLU Net Sink 2030’s target
  • The role of Result-Based Payment on REDD+ in supporting the implementation of FOLU Net Sink 2030. 
  • The strategy of MoF in involving private sector to support the implementation of FOLU Net Sink 2030 target
  • The strategy of Ministry of Forestry in combining the implementation Article 5 dan Article 6 of Paris Agreement.

Live Stream

Ministrial Talks

H.E. Hanif Faisol Nurofiq

Minister of Environment, Republic of Indonesia

Raja Juli Antoni Oleh - https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=638041217888921

H.E. Raja JuLI ANtoni

Minister of Forestry, Republic of Indonesia